Five years following Star Wars: The Clone Wars' cancellation, it will be returning on Disney's upcoming streaming service: Disney Play. The voice actress of Ahsoka Tano, one of the show's most important characters, recently spoke with CBR and provided a much needed update regarding the highly-anticipated season.
Ashley Eckstein first went into the returning cast and crew, revealing that fortunately Dave Filoni (the showrunner of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels) was able to round up most of the original talent behind the series.
I can promise -- obviously, Dave Filoni is a part of it and he's done his best to bring back a lot of the key people that were a part of the show, pretty much all the cast members and then also some of the main crew members. The stories are incredible, the people are incredible and anything that Dave Filoni touches is going to be amazing.
Another animated series rose from Clone Wars' ashes following its cancellation - that being Star Wars Rebels. Though Rebels focused on a new set of characters, it did see the return of a couple of fan-favourites from Clone Wars including a mature Ahsoka. Eckstein went into her experience jumping back and forth from the different iterations of Ahsoka.
It's so funny because, after Clone Wars and when I jumped into Rebels, it was actually pretty hard for me to do Rebels Ahsoka because she was that much older and she was a whole lot more like Obi-Wan rather than Ahsoka from Clone Wars.
She was more of the mentor now, the teacher, and so it took me a while to get into that role, and then now I have to go back to Clone Wars, so I have to unlearn everything that I learned and that place I went to for Rebels-Ahsoka and go back to Clone Wars Ahsoka and really, I mean, this is after she walks down those steps.
She's still around the same age, so age-wise I know I can -- because I would change my voice according to her age -- so age-wise I kind of know I can get my voice back there, but she's also in a different place because she just left the Jedi Order and she's dealing with all those thoughts and emotions and questions of, like, 'What happens next?'
What do you think of Eckstein's comments? Are you looking forward to Ahsoka's return in Star Wars: The Clone Wars?
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 7 will be available to stream on Disney Play in 2019.