Rooster Teeth, the famous digital entertainment company out of Austin, Texas known for creating the American Anime series RWBY and Red vs. Blue, a comedic web-series based on the characters from Halo, are looking to invest heavily to the tune of $2.5 million into original animated content for new web series. Included in the investment funds, the company also wants to bring these creators in as part of their overall network, helping stabilize and increase their streams of revenue.
Rooster Teeth has their own subscription service for their website, Rooster Teeth First, which has over an impressive 250,000 paid subscribers already. Their claim to fame most certainly is Red vs Blue, which is known as the second longest web series of all-time and still going strong, premiering all the way back in April of 2003.
There are currently two series already apart of this massive development fund, one being the project called Motor Knight, created by a YouTube channel named Flashgitz, and the other animated series titled Spikeface, which is set to be produced by RCG, or more importantly known as the production company of Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day, and Glenn Howerton of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia fame.
“We’re looking for like-minded creators who have a good track record of producing consistently,” Matt Hullum, co-founder and CEO of Rooster Teeth, told Digiday. “It definitely helps if they have an archive of past material our audience can watch to get up to speed immediately, but overall, we’re looking for folks who are ambitious.”