The fourth season of popular, irreverent Adult Swim animated series Rick and Morty finally debuted back in November. At that point, fans had waited for over two years for the series to return. Following the debut of the first episode, four more episodes would be released weekly.
However, the fourth season as a whole would consist of ten episodes. That's where things get a little abnormal. After the first five new episodes of Rick and Morty debuted, the show essentially went on pause. Thankfully, though, Adult Swim announced that the animated series would be returning earlier this month — specifically on April Fool's Day, which was a little unnerving.
Rick and Morty returns to Adult Swim on May 3rd, 2020 specifically at 11:30 pm ET. That's just about two weeks from now and we've finally found out what the remaining episodes will each be titled (via Adult Swim). First of all, the next episode of the season will be called "Never Ricking Morty". However, we're currently in the dark in regards to that episode's logline.
Episode 7 is titled "Promortyus" (which is obviously a play on "Prometheus") and the logline is "Get off my face broh." Episode 8 is titled "The Vat of Acid Episode" and the logline is "The one with the acid vat, broh." I wonder if that one features a vat of acid.
Episode 9 is titled "Childrick of Mort" and the logline is "Miracle of life broh. Whole family in this one broh." Episode 10 is titled "Star Mort Rickturn of Jerri" (a play on "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi") and the logline is "Parenting is crazy broh. Stuff straight disappearin in this one."
Clearly, they're all very professional and highbrow.
Rick and Morty returns to Adult Swim on May 3rd, 2020.