Shiny Pokemon started becoming a phenomenon around Generation II in Pokemon: Silver and Gold when players were first introduced to the infamous Red Gyarados, quite possibly the most commonly known and widely coveted of them all.
Since then, the craze has spread to other forms of media. Even in the days of the trading card game - every one wanted a holographic. Now, in Pokemon Go, the equivalent to holographic cards is catching shiny Pokemon.
People gather in flocks, particularly on Community Days, to try to spam enough of the same Pokemon enough times until they hopefully get lickily enough to encounter a shiny version of said Pokemon, made clear by the stars around its head, and sometimes easily missable if the pallete swap is simple.
While some Pokemon have to be fought in Raids, and those are harder to catch a shiny version of, pokemon like Cubone and Ponyta who have just received their shiny treatment can be found in the wild and farmed to increase the chances of a Shiny showing up - so long as trainers don't catch other Pokemon in between to break the cycle.
What do you think? Is the Ponyta pretty enough for you to load up the game? Let us know below!