Nintendo has been releasing a Pokemon game almost every year for a very long time. The games are a bit lackluster these days, which is why we got excited about a report saying a new Digimon game is in the works.
The folks at Bandai Namco came out with an interesting piece of information saying a new Digimon game will be officially announced on July 29th of this year. The company says the reveal will primarily be part of a "Digimon Thanksgiving 2018 Special Meeting and Latest Game Report" live stream.
According to Bandai Namco, the reveal will consist of three parts, and they are as follows:
Digimon Thanksgiving Part
The “Digimon Thanksgiving 2018 Special Meeting in Odaiba.” (Some parts will not be live streamed.) This event is being held at United Cinema Aqua City Odaiba Screen 1 and will feature presenters Chika Sakamoto, Mayumi Yamaguchi, Natsuki Hanae, Yoshimasa Hosoya, Ayumi Miyazaki, AiM, and more. Tickets to physically attend the event cost 5,000 yen per person.
Game Introduction Part
Producers will introduce a new Digimon game project and hold a Q&A corner answering pre-submitted questions (submit your questions here). The latest information on Digimon smartphone games and goods will also be introduced.
Anime Part
A discussion featuring guests that have stopped by from the Special Meeting in Odaiba event venue.
What’s interesting is the fact that the last Digimon game, Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory was launched back in December 2017 in Japan and January 2018 in the West. The game came out exclusively for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.
With this new title, Digimon Survive, we can only hope all platforms are supported, including the Nintendo Switch.