Netflix will be adapting the classic tales of renowned author Roald Dahl into an animated series. The likes of Charlie and the Chocloate Factory, Matilda, The BFG, The Twits, and more will all be brought to the streaming service as a part of an individual series.
The Roald Dahl Story Company and Netflix recently announced their partnership, describing the endeavour as a "first-of-its-kind slate of premium animated event series and specials for audiences of all ages and for families to enjoy together." In a press release, Netflix made note that the tone and spirit of Dahl's stories will remain intact.
Felicity Dahl, Roald's widow, had this to say on the partnership: “Our mission, which is purposefully lofty, is for as many children as possible around the world to experience the unique magic and positive message of Roald Dahl’s stories. This partnership with Netflix marks a significant move toward making that possible and is an incredibly exciting new chapter for the Roald Dahl Story Company. Roald would, I know, be thrilled.”
Melissa Cobb, Vice President of Kids & Family Content at Netflix said this in a statement regarding the adaptation:
Immersing ourselves in the extraordinary worlds of Roald Dahl stories has been an honor and a massive amount of fun, and we are grateful for the trust the Roald Dahl Story Company and the Dahl family have placed in our team to deliver more moments of shared joy to families around the world.
We have great creative ambition to reimagine the journeys of so many treasured Dahl characters in fresh, contemporary ways with the highest quality animation and production values.
What do you think of the partnership between Netflix and The Roald Dahl Company? Are you looking forward to the animated adaptations?