Mojo Jojo is a great
PowerPuff Girls villain. He's funny, he's empathetic, and like most of the PowerPuff's rogues gallery, he's nothing short of adorable. However, Mojo's cuteness does not translate into real life. This was proven at Dragon Con by cosplayer Shawn McBee. McBee, a cosplayer who works in film and TV, attended the pop culture convention in Atlanta, Georgia last week, and his costume was...somewhat terrifying. Don't just take our word for it, check out his Twitter picture of the costume here:
Terrifying as it may be, the costume won over many of the con's attendees. Fans familiar with the series and with the simian antagonist stopped to pose for pictures with McBee, then took to social media to spread the word about his ador-rifying suit. One fan of the series in particular shared the costume online, and this isn't the first time that fan encountered the evil of Mojo Jojo. That's because this fan was Tara Strong, PowerPuff Girl Bubbles herself. You can see her Tweet about the suit:
For more great cosplay pics, follow
Sean McBee on Twitter now!
What do you think of this creepy Mojo Jojo cosplay? What other adorable cartoon characters aren't so adorable when they're brought into the real world? Let us know in the comments below. And for all your
PowerPuff Girls news, cartoon cosplay, and animation talk in general, make sure to stay tooned to Toonado.