Step counting is a huge part of the mobile augmented reality game from Niantic, Pokemon Go. The tracking is in charge of trainers' eggs hatching - which only certain Pokemon can be obtained via - as well as buddy candy tracking, which is very important when it comes to involving Pokemon who have tougher Rare Candy finds.
The way that Pokemon Go has counted its players' steps since it's release in 2016 has been through location tracking, which has proven to be a pain and a drain on many trainer's phones, causing many to have to buy additional batteries or battery packs in order to play for extended periods of times. The newly implemented Adventure Sync feature will instead be utilizing the data gathered by the player's respective Google Fit and Apple Health respectively.
While this may not seem like much at first, this holds high importance because the game will be counting your steps now even when its closed, which will save players on data as well as battery life. This will help you to hatch more Pokemon and fill your Pokedex as well as getting those candies for your Pokemon that are hard to get. On top of that, the game will be rewarding you for meetng certain milestones each week. 5K, 10K, 15K, etc., can earn you different rewards for simply doing what you would normally do.
So you're probably thinking - this sounds great, where do I sign up?! The problem is, although Niantic has started rolling it out to some players, it has not yet been fully implemented for everybody worldwide. On top of that - once it is officially released for everyone, trainers will still need to be at least level five before they are able to access it. And past that, if you are level five, you'll still have to head into that good old settings menu to turn the thing on, or else your phone will still be draining your data and battery the only way it knows how - old school.
Are you excited for the potential Adventure Sync has for Pokemon Go? Let us know!