The CEO of FOX recently commented on the controversy surrounding one of
The Simpsons' most memorable characters.
Over the course of
The Simpsons run on-the-air it's caused multiple controversies. Its most recent and perhaps most infamous relates to the character of Apu. A documentary, made by comedian and filmmaker Hari Kondabolu, titled of 'The Problem with Apu' went into the negative conotations surrounding the character and explained how he is a stereotypical representation of Indian culture.
As reported by
Entertainment Weekly; FOX CEO Dana Walden recently mentioned the controversy. As far as she's concerned, it's for the creatives behind the animated series to deal with.
We have had the conversation with [executive producer] Jim Brooks and his team and we’ve basically left it up to them. They’ve treated the characters with so much respect. We trust them to handle it in a way that will be best for the show… ultimately we decided that would be their decision.
The Simpsons itself attempting to stifle the kerfuffle earlier this year. An episode featured a moment in which Lisa and Marge were discussing a book which, since its release, has become politically incorrect. The characters simply mentioned that the issue would be dealt with at some point in the future - "if at all". This only fanned the flames of controversy. Walden went on to add:
In a day of social media where fans are able to have a public forum, I can’t say ultimately we were surprised. I think it’s good information for the creators to receive … they focused on the reaction and I think that’s partially informing how they will move forward.
What do you think of Walden's comments? What do you think about the supposed problem with Apu?