Back in 2014, three of the most popular animated shows on TV crossed over for an episode of Family Guy that featured Peter Griffin running into Homer Simpson and Bob Belcher, and next week's instalment of the long-running Fox series will reunite all three 'toon dads for a cold opening.
In the clip below, Lois begins to tell Peter about a dream she had, and to escape the recap he backs up all the way into the show that aired before his: Bob's Burgers.
In the restaurant, he spots Homer Simpson chowing down at the counter.
Homer doesn't speak, but when Peter inquires about the two sets of prices on the menu, Bob explains that one is for an Emmy discount. Griffin then politely orders toast and black coffee!
Bob and Homer are justifiably two of the most popular and recognizable faces of animated comedy, and even folks as jaded as Hollywood sitcom writers get a thrill seeing them together in the same scene," co-showrunner Rich Appel tells EW. "It's the same sort of excitement you feel when a Chicago policeman and a Chicago fireman are in the same scene on a Chicago-themed program."
The episode airs this Sunday.