Matt Youngerberg and Frank Angones, producers of Disney's currently ongoing animated series reboot of DuckTales, recently revealed what the overarching theme of the third season is as well as spoke a bit about the forthcoming return of a certain caped crusader. Season 3 began all the way back in April and there have been eleven new episodes since then.
Episode 12, titled "Let's Get Dangerous," premieres on October 19th (just two days from now).This episode will reintroduce fan-favourite character, Darkwing Duck. The episode's synopsis, courtesy of, reads as follows:
For the very special two-part episode, Drake Mallard, aka Darkwing Duck, and Gosalyn, become part of the DuckTales storyline, complete with a secret lair, Ratcatcher motorcycle, and masks and capes aplenty. Fans have been eager to see the return of Darkwing for some time, and the McDuck family’s trip to St. Canard, Darkwing’s home turf, provided the perfect opportunity for that to happen.
This ties into the theme of Season 3, which is "legacy." Angones explained: "Season 3 of DuckTales is all about legacy. And part of the legacy of the original DuckTales are those Disney Afternoon shows—Rescue Rangers and TaleSpin and Darkwing Duck. It’s not an accident that in Season 3 we’re seeing all these Disney Afternoon characters showing up."
"It’s part of a larger meta-story of something we wanted to say about the original DuckTales and the legacy of the Disney Afternoon," the producer concluded.
"We’ve been seeding a lot of things with Darkwing for a while," Youngberg added. "There was a lot of stuff early on where the fans of Darkwing were very curious what we were going to do because we were making it a show-within-a-show, which makes it a lot different from the original Darkwing Duck mythos."
You can check out a new clip from the upcoming episode below (via Disney XD):