Scrooge McDuck might be known as the priciest duck in the Disney universe, but last week, his nephew made a run for that title. A hand-drawn pencil drawing of Donald Duck, done by Walt Disney himself, was sold in an LA auction on Thursday, with the final bid reaching $11,949. This exciting news comes to us from, and the price tag isn't the only thing that's remarkable.
Michael Kirk is the manager of Nate D. Sanders Auctions, which facilitated the buy. According to Kirk, it's no surprise that the drawing would sell for this much. Apparently, it is a very unique item. As he stated:
It's rare to find a Donald Duck illustration hand drawn and signed by Walt Disney himself. Disney famously delegated almost all animation work to his team of talented animators, making this piece very unique and collectable.
Unique and collectable indeed. According to, the buyer of the drawing remains anonymous, so it is most likely going into a private collection. For images of the sketch, you can head to the Nate D. Sanders Auctions website.
How much would you pay for an original sketch by Walt Disney? If you had the money to shell out, which character would you want a sketch of? Let us know in the comments section below. For more Disney news, and all your animation news in general, stay tooned to Toonado.