One of the longest-running BBC serials is unarguably Doctor Who. With Jody Whittaker currently playing The Thirteenth Doctor and Olly Alexander set to premiere as The Fourteenth Doctor, the series has understandably started heading in a different direction but doesn't seem to be saying goodbye anytime soon.
Doctor Who began decades ago, in the 1960s, and some fans prefer the iterations of The Doctor back in the day. However, with the series having run over 60 years, some episodes wound up becoming lost when the BBC purged the original series from the archives.
In particular, a series of seven-episode wound up missing and unavailable for both long-time fans looking to revisit the storyline and new fans looking to familiarize themselves with past versions of The Doctor. Luckily, viewers will soon be able to experience those adventures in animated form.
Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks isn't like the average animated series at all. For one, the stories aren't new but rather restored in a new medium. The BBC was able to use the original audio recordings from the episodes to restore all but Episode 2 in the serial, which has survived and will be re-mastered along with the rest of the animated series.
There's a lot to take in here, so it's probably best if you check out the trailer and the synopsis below for yourselves before the steelbook arrives this September.
The Doctor (Patrick Troughton) stars alongside his travel companion Jamie (Frazer Hines) in this recreation in which the TARDIS has been stolen. The story unfolds as the Doctor and Jamie set out to find the missing time machine, bringing them face to face with a very old enemy - the Daleks, who have a new masterplan to conquer the universe. The Daleks force the Doctor to help them on their quest to ‘humanise’ themselves into deadlier living weapons. This particular story is notable for introducing the Doctor’s new companion Victoria Waterfield (Deborah Watling), first seen in the surviving second episode, and also for presenting the Dalek Emperor.
What do you guys think? Are you excited to re-visit these stories, or are you wary of the animated medium for the series?
Be sure to share your thoughts, and in the meantime, fans of outer space animated shows can hear us chat with the creator of Adult Swim's Final Space below.
This chat features the creator of Final Space, which is set to premiere its newest season on Adult Swim this month. We learn about the history of the sci-fi animated series and Olan charts us the road from Gary Space to where the show is now.
Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks will release on DVD, Blu-ray, and as a Steelbook on September 27th.