In an intriguing announcement made today, Disney is looking for skilled Nintendo-enthusiasts to participate in a new game show centered around the popular Nintendo hybrid console. The new show, titled
Nintendo Switch Family Showdown, looks to pit two families of gamers in an "epic Nintendo Switch showdown."
We don't have many details yet, but Disney teases the show will feature "fun and friendly competition" revolving around the Nintendo Switch. This includes a series of challenges in Nintendo Switch games, like searching for collectibles in
Super Mario Odyssey, going head-to-head in
Mario Tennis Aces, or dancing participating in a dance-off in
Just Dance 2018.
Nintendo Switch Family Showdown will be featured on Disney Channel and Disney XD, as well as streamed on the DisneyNOW app this summer, starting August 27. But first, Disney needs participants and you have a chance right now to throw your hat into the ring. To have a chance to appear on the show all you need to do is submit an original video, up to one minute in length, explaining why you and your family are the ultimate Nintendo fans. Four winning families will be selected to participate. More details and specifics can be found
on the actual website.