Ben 10: It's Hero Time, a new interactive story experience based on Cartoon Network's hit animated show about a kid superhero who can transform into different aliens, is now available exclusively through Amazon's Echo Dot Kids Edition and FreeTime on Alexa.
This voice-based choose-your-own-adventure experience lets players guide Ben Tennyson, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max on an imaginative voice-first adventure. Throughout the journey, your vocal responses will determine the direction of the story, as Ben travels the world with his family, takes down bad guys, and saves the day.
Amazon's Echo Dot Kids Edition is a hands-free, voice-controlled speaker featuring Alexa. With vocal commands, Alexa will play age-appropriate music, tell stories, answer questions, and more. Ben 10: It's Hero Time actually includes a special chime that can be used for timers, clocks, and reminders on the devices.
Ben 10: It's Hero Time is completely free and now available.