Avatar: The Last Airbender originally aired on Nickelodeon from 2005 to 2008; that includes all three seasons of the animated series. In that time and since, the animated series formed a massive, passionate fanbase. It has been twelve years since the series concluded and yet the fanbase it still as passionate as ever.
Also in the time since the series concluded, many a rumour has sprouted claiming that a fourth season is in the works. Notably, last year in particular. And we're not talking about the live-action remake series that's in the works at Netflix — which the original series creators harshly dropped out of not too long ago. Well, those same creators have now spoke out to shut down Season 4 rumours.
Byran Konietzko and Michael DiMartino recently spoke with Polygon about the possibility of a fourth season wherein they absolutely shut down the idea. According to them, the three seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender is their story from beginning to end.
"There was never going to be a season 4, not from us and not from Nickelodeon. Mike and I planned ATLA to be a three-season arc as far back as our initial pitch in 2002, and in 2008 we finished the story we set out to tell," Konietzko told the site.
Furthermore, DiMartino told the site that the story only continued within the realm of Dark Horse Comics as both he and Konietzko liked the story they were pitched.
"We finished the show exactly as we had intended. We hadn’t considered continuing Aang’s story until Dark Horse Comics approached us with the idea of returning to ATLA in graphic novel form. And at that point we worked with writer Gene Luen Yang to expand the story beyond the animated series," he explained.
Avatar: The Last Airbender is now streaming on Netflix.