Avatar: The Last Airbender originally aired on Nickelodeon from 2005 to 2008. In that time and since, the animated series managed to form quite a passionate fanbase. Hence why it caused such a commotion back when Netflix officially announced that the animated series would soon be available on the streaming service in its entirety.
The announcement tweet alone, from NX On Netflix, managed to amass over 200,000 likes — check that out here. Well, the foretold day has come. Avatar: The Last Airbender is officially now available to stream on Netflix in the United States (via @Netflix). That's all three seasons, every single episode.
The series is set in a world in which some people have the power to manipulate one of the classical elements — water, fire, earth, and air. They call it "Bending" and the titular Avatar is capable of bending all four elements. They're responsible for maintaining harmony between the four nations, each of which is dedicated to one of the aforementioned elements.
There's even a live-action remake of the animated series currently in the works for Netflix, which involves the original creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender — find out more on that here.