The popular Cartoon Network series, Adventure Time, is coming to an end after 10 long seasons. The show has proven to be one of the best cartoons ever made, and with that, fans are going to miss it quite a lot.
Just recently, the folks at Cartoon Network have debuted a new trailer for the series finale, and it shows Finn and Jake preparing for the Great Gum War that could shape the entire world forever.
"Time and time again, the Land of Ooo has called upon one heroic duo to save its bacon," according to the trailer. "But this time, Finn and Jake will face the ultimate adventure!"
We’re not certain what’s going to happen when Adventure Time returns to Cartoon Network since details at the moment are pretty scarce. What we do know is that the title of the series finale is called "Come Along With Me," which is the same name as the theme song.
We’re guessing that a war might break out between the Candy Kingdom that is ruled by Princess Bubblegum, and Gumbaldia, ruled by her uncle, Gumbald.
Here’s the thing, Gumbald has always been a villain of some sorts, but it seems he’s final big bad due to what he did in the past. You see, Gumbald sprayed what is known as "Dum Dum juice" on Finn in a bid to have Princess Bubblegum exposed to the substance.
If this had happened, she would have transformed into a docile creature, and for this very reason, Princess Bubblegum declared war on Gumbaldia. So yes, a war might definitely happen unless Finn and Jake can put a stop to it.
We’re guessing it’s too late for anyone to end this conflict between families. Probably the only option is to put an end to Gumbald once and for all.