Adventure Time aired on Cartoon Network from 2010 to 2018. In October 2019, it was announced that the popular animated series would soon be returning — in a way. It's not a revival in the traditional sense but rather; four new animated specials, each of about an hour in duration, will be released on the HBO Max streaming service.
Finn the Human and Jake the dog were the main characters of Adventure Time but these upcoming specials will predominantly be all about the other characters who resided in the Land of Ooo — those being Princess Bubblegum, Marceline, Peppermint Butler, and BMO. Though, the last of the four will focus on Finn and Jake. The first, on the other hand, stars BMO.
Recently, Cartoon Network shared an official trailer for the upcoming BMO special as well as a poster. Said poster reveals that the Adventure Time: Distant Lands — BMO special will be available to stream on HBO Max from June 25th. That's just over a month away! Based on the trailer, it seems the special will be quite dramatic and action-packed.
You can check out the official trailer and poster for yourself below (via @CartoonNetwork):
Adventure Time: Distant Lands — BMO will be available to stream on HBO Max from June 25th, 2020.