Following the success of the animated series, The Loud House, on Nickelodeon, one of the characters from the show was greenlit for a spin-off series called The Casagrandes. With the same animation style as the original series, The Casagrandes not only brings in another huge family but sticks to the cultural roots on a Mexican-American home, which has brought in a substantial viewer base thanks to the fantastic choice of having a minority main character in a very diverse series.
The series premiered last year and is gearing up for its next season, which will debut this October. With a Halloween episode as the opener, fans of the show are very excited. Since its release, the series has ranked as number two for the 2-11 demographic, which says a lot for a spin-off cartoon!
Due to the show's vast and speedy success, a third season has gotten an early confirmation from Nickelodeon, meaning that fans will have many new episodes to look forward to! If the trend continues as it has, that could mean The Casagrandes will have just as long and thriving a run as The Loud House!
What are you hoping for with the third season of The Casagrandes? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget to check out a clip to the season 2 premiere!
The Casagrandes tells the story of Ronnie Anne, who moves to the city with her mom and older brother to live with their big, loving family, the Casagrandes. The series showcases the culture, humor, and love that’s part of growing up in a multigenerational Mexican-American family.
Season 3 of The Casagrandes is coming soon, and season 2 is premiering on October 9th on Nickelodeon!