Nickelodeon announced that Ollie's Pack, an all-new original animated action-comedy series, will debut on Monday, April 6 at 4:00 p.m. ET. The series follows Ollie, a teenage boy deemed the "chosen one" and tasked with being in charge of The Monster Pack. Living no ordinary tweenage life, Ollie and his friends, Cleo and Bernie, must protect earth by capturing monsters who have escaped from the Monsterverse.
Not all of the mosnters from the Monsterverse are bad, however. There are some helpful monsters who assist Ollie and his friends in not only capturing the bad ones but navigating through typical tween problems, like sneaking to a movie theater or winning the Battle of the Bands.
“Ollie’s Pack is filled with excitement, humor, and heart, and we are thrilled to welcome Ollie and his friends to Nickelodeon’s incredible family of original characters,” said Nina Hahn, Senior Vice President of Development and Production, Nickelodeon.
Nickelodeon will air premiere episodes of the 26-episode Ollie's Pack Mondays through Thursdays the weeks of April 6 and April 13. The series will kick off with a back-to-back double header. The first episode, appropriately titled "The Chosen One...Stinks," is a perfect example of how the series will blend tween stories with monster comedy as Ollie, whose stinky sweat becomes a hot commodity in the Monsterverse, exchanges it with a monster who offers to do his laundry. The follow-up episode, "Not Another Superhero Movie," sees Ollie and his friends use a monster's powers to make a epic superhero movie for their film club.
Meet Ollie – the chosen one! With the help of his best friends Cleo & Bernie, he’s in charge of THE MONSTER PACK - a backpack portal that sends monsters back to their own universe. Easier said than done! Check out Nickelodeon’s NEW series, Ollie’s Pack – this April!
Ollie's Pack features the vocal talents of James Hartnett (Cupcake & Dino) as Ollie, the Chosen One and Keeper of the Pack; Ana Sani (Mysticons) as Cleo, the brave and adventurous comic relief; and David Berni (Rocket Monkeys) as Bernie, the logical voice of reason.