BoJack Horseman is an acclaimed and mature animated show that began back in 2014 on Netflix. The series has dealt with such serious subject matters as depression, trauma, addiction, self-destructive behaviour, sexism, racism, and the human experience as a whole. Will Arnett serves as the voice of the titular character and the cast also includes Aaron Paul, Alison Brie, and Amy Sedaris.
Back in September 2019, it was announced that the series will soon be coming to an end. Over a year had passed since the release of the fifth season and a brand new trailer dropped for the first half of sixth and final season —
more on that here.
Wholly, Season 6 consists of sixteen episodes. However, eight of them were released on October 25th, 2019 —
and are available to stream right now.
The other half of the episodes will debut on the streaming service on January 31st and properly bring
BoJack Horseman to a close. There's about two weeks until then and
Netflix has just released a brand new trailer for the upcoming final episodes — check it out below: