Avatar: The Last Airbender is an animated TV show that first aired in 2005 and went on for three season, ending in 2008 after 61 episodes. A spin-off show called
The Legend of Korra, which also works as a sequel to
The Last Airbender, was comissioned in 2012; finally ending in 2014 after 4 seasons.
In case you weren't aware, Netflix announced in September of last year that they were developing a live-action series of
Avatar: The Last Airbender; with Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konitzko — the original showrunners — being in charge of the project.
Avatar: The Last Airbender composer Jeremy Zuckerman — who has been attached to the series since the very beginning, as well as
The Legend of Korra — has recently sat down with Discussing Film and has revealed that he will be re-recording and re-arranging some of his original themes in the Netflix live-action show.
In this lengthy interview, Zuckerman has revealed some things that will make fans of the series very happy — as he stated that Netflix are being really committed to staying true to the source material. This is especially reassuring since the last time
Avatar: The Last Airbender was adapted in live-action format, things didn't quite go as expected.
Again, this interview is quite lengthy, and Zuckerman does talk about what was like working on both
Avatar: The Last Airbender and
The Legend of Korra for a while. If you want to skip straight to what he has to say about Netflix and the live-action show, go to the
27:46 minute mark of the video posted below.