Steven Universe: The Movie premiered on Cartoon Network back in September 2019. It's a follow-up to the popular animated series, Steven Universe; though takes place prior to the events of the Steven Universe Future sequel series — which subsequently premiered on Cartoon Network the following December.
It's directed, written, and produced by Steven Universe creator Rebecca Sugar. Steven Universe voice actors Zach Callison, Estelle, Michaela Dietz, and Deedee Magno Hall reprise their roles — as well as a plethora of others from the original animated series. Sarah Stiles is introduced as Spinel, the film's antagonist.
"Two years after bringing peace to the galaxy, Steven Universe sees his past come back to haunt him in the form of a deranged Gem who wants to destroy the Earth." Being Steven Universe, Steven Universe: The Movie is an animated musical which features a plethora of songs — such as Other Friends, Drift Away, and Change.
If you haven't seen it before, now's your chance as Steven Universe: The Movie is officially now available on the HBO Max streaming service. This was announced by Sugar over on Twitter (via @RebeccaSugar); "We worked so, so hard on this film. If you haven’t seen it yet please check it out & if you have I hope you’ll watch it again & again," said the series' creator.