Created by Loren Bouchard, Bob's Burgers is an animated sitcom that follows a father, the owner of a burger restaurant, as he deals with being a father, business owner, and husband while juggling the problems of life. Since its release in 2011, the show has become a staple series on the FOX lineup along with The Simpsons and Family Guy.
Now, after almost ten years, the upcoming 11th season will contain the series' second milestone episode, its 200th! While the events for the episode are still kept pretty close to the chest, there is still tons to be excited for once the season premieres this Sunday.
Recently, a new clip of the first episode of the new season was released that features Bob on the hunt for his missing keys. From there, he will find himself in the magical dreamworld that is just under the seats of his car; however everything will make a lot more sense in the clip!
With the new season sure to be another success, will you be tuning in for the premiere? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below, and don't forget to watch the new scene!
Bob Belcher, along with his wife and 3 children, try to run their last hope of holding the family together, which is running Bob's dream restaurant. Bob's Burgers centers on the Belcher family (consists of Bob, Linda, Tina, Gene and Louise) who own a hamburger restaurant.
Season 11 of Bob's Burgers premieres on September 27th at 9 PM EST on FOX!, and/or the user who contributed this post, may earn commissions or revenue through clicks or purchases made through any third-party links contained within the content above.