Created by Adventure Time writer and animator Julia Pott, Summer Camp Island follows an elephant named Oscar and a hedgehog named Hedgehog as they spend a summer on a magical island. The series features all sorts of magical creatures and witches that Oscar and Hedgehog encounter while making the best of their time on the island.
The show premiered in 2018 on Cartoon Network, and while it was well-liked by the fans, the series next season was moved over to the new HBO Max streaming service. While the first season ran for 40 episodes, the move to HBO Max cut the episode count in half, which has proven to work for the best as the show now has a third season on the way.
This new season has been confirmed to have even fewer episodes that should prove to be best for the show as it will give viewers the chance to have even more important episodes since there isn't much room for filler. A new trailer has been released for the show that confirms an early December release.
As the holidays roll in and most of the world is unable to travel, it will be nice to kick back and unwind while watching new episodes of Summer Camp Island. Make sure to check out the trailer below and tell us what you think of it in the comments!
Set in a world of anthropomorphic animals, Summer Camp Island follows two childhood best friends Oscar Peltzer, an elephant, and Hedgehog, a mammal of the same name, who are dropped off at a magical summer camp.
Summer Camp Island season 3 will release on December 10th on HBO Max!