The Pokémon Company has recently shared a charming new animation under what seems to be a brand new label called Pokétoon. This animation is actually drawing inspiration from classic animated cartoons from the golden age of American animation like the Looney Tunes, and it fits the Pokémon brand surprisingly well.
This first episode of Pokétoon is directed by Japanese artist Taku Inoue, who is actually the same artist that has been creating Tom & Jerry sculptures that recreate the classic series' most memorable moments.
"Chase the Beans" is the name of this first episode of Pokétoon, and sees Pokémon creatures Zuruggu and Mimikkyu as its main protagonists. It isn't just the animation, but the music and the story that perfectly recreates that feel of classic cartoons.
We still don't know if this Pokétoon series will actually become a series, or if this was a one-off episode that is more of a passion project rather than a fully fledged series of animated shorts, but it is definitely nice to see something like this being made any way.
Whatever the case, it would be nice to see Game Freak and The Pokémon Company releasing more animated shorts like these — as they breathe some new life into the long-running Pokémon series, and the result, in the case of Pokétoon, is simply charming.
Check it out: