Back in 2018, Hulu announced plans to reboot the classic Amblin Entertainment and WB Animation series Animaniacs. The series is expected to premiere this fall on the streaming service and it sound slike Yakko, Wakko, and Dot won't be the only classic animated characters to return.
According to voice actor Rob Paulsen (Yakko), classic animated characters Pinky and Brain will also be returning in the series. The two genetically enhanced laboratory mice first appeared on Animaniacs before being spun off into their own series which saw 66 episodes produced. Asked about the show returning, Paulsen revealed to
"It's impossible to quantify what a compliment that is. Moreover, to be able to do that again, with Maurice, with Tress, with Jess. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot are back and so are Pinky and the Brain. Moreover is that in this era of celebrities doing a lot of animated characters — and I get why the producers do it. I totally get it — but I also know that just having a movie star do the talking chicken doesn't mean that the show's going to be a hit. You've got to have a good script, great characters, and terrific actors, whether they're celebrities or not."
Pinky and the Brain follows the two titular characters as the self-centered and short-tempered Brain constantly devises schemes to take over the world, only for them to always end in failure, usually due to the good-natured but feebleminded Pinky's idiocy. It doesn't sound like there are plans for a full-fledged Pinky and the Brain reboot, but it will be fun to see this dynamic duo return.
The Animaniacs reboot has already been greenlit for two seasons on Hulu. The series will be producted in conjuction with Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation.