Katzun chose a simple title for this new video on YouTube, which has proven to work as it has already reached nearly one million views. The struggle of dealing with one's own sexuality, particularly during adolescence, is obviously very important to the artist and it will be easy for young people to search for an easy name like
Coming Out [Animation] versus something more complicated or flaunting the artist's name.
The artist expresses the difficulties she faced growing up, through her surroundings and even from adults in her life who tried to convince her that homosexuality is a sin.
Coming Out [Animation] expresses her journey and how acceptance of who she truly is has lead her to find a more peaceful and happy life, and she wants to guide others who may feel hopeless in the same way.
"I know a lot of you already know that I'm gay, but I decided to make a video about it because I had a lot to say on the subject. I've had the misfortune of growing up in a homophobic area and I know that a lot of you are in the same boat. I just want to let you know that it IS going to get better, even if it doesn't seem like it in the moment. You're doing nothing wrong by loving who you want to love. Those idiots who call it a sin are the only people doing something wrong. Love y'all." - Katzun
While it is clearly aimed at an LGBTQ audience, anyone who finds themself lost can see inspiration in her art. You can watch the heartfelt video of
Coming Out [Animation] below and feel Katzun's journey for yourself.