The animated Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors feature film will be premiering on Disney XD at the end of the month. In promotion of that, Marvel HQ recently debuted a clip from the upcoming film.
The "Let's Get Nuts" clip focuses on Ms. Marvel and, as you'd expect based on the name, Squirrel Girl. They each morph into their superhero-forms, in their own unique and amusing ways, then utilize their wacky powers in effort to catch a fleeing thief.
Secret Warriors is a follow-up to Marvel: Rising Initiation - which was a series of animated shorts that similarly focused on these two characters as well as a plethora of other diverse heroes such as America Chavez and Ghost Spider/Spider-Gwen.
Check out the sneak peak below:
What do you think of the clip? Are you looking forward to Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors?
Superpowered teens Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, Quake, Patriot, American Chavez and Inferno join forces to battle an unexpected threat which bears down on the Marvel Universe. This ragtag, untrained band of teens have no choice but to rise together and prove to the world that sometimes the difference between a 'hero' and 'misfit' is just in the name.
Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors premieres on Disney XD on September 30th.