Initially released in 2005, the Madagascar franchise has been a franchise that touched a very large generation in a very short amount of time. The story of four friends who grew up in the central park zoo and ended up globetrotting for three films resonated with so many solely because of the lessons it had to teach.
Showing that friendship is one of the best things anyone can have, the film series has spawned into a new prequel series titled Madagascar: A Little Wild. The show follows Alex, Marty, Melman, and Gloria during their younger days at the zoo. They end up going on many adventures in the zoo that help to shape them into the characters that fans remember from the films.
Since the show airs on Hulu, there has been a Halloween episode announced that coincides with the streaming service's yearly "Huluween." The episode is titled "A Fang-tastic Halloween" and has the group meet a vampire bat who teaches Marty a few lessons about judging someone before knowing them.
With a new trailer released for the special, the episode looks to be a fun way for kids to get into the Halloween spirit! We would love to hear your thoughts about the new video and episode in the usual spot!
After hearing spooky rumors about the new habitat resident — a bat! — Marty is determined to protect his friends from the newcomer. But when the bat helps him out of a tough situation, Marty learns it’s better to get to know someone rather than judge them on false stereotypes.
Madagascar: A Little Wild's Halloween episode premieres on Hulu on October 21st!