Most casual fans of comic books are familiar with the "Big Two" publishing companies, but not much else. Bombarded by Marvel and DC characters adapted in every possible medium, it's understandable why titles from Image, Dark Horse, Boom, and other smaller publications often go unnoticed.
That isn't to say that there aren't adaptations of more minor and indie comic books, but more so that the general audience isn't always aware of the property or franchise's roots. An excellent example of this is Amazon's outrageously well-received and graphically bloody adult animation Invincible, an adaptation of an Image comic title written by Robert Kirkman. If that name sounds familiar, it's because he is also the creator responsible for The Walking Dead, another Image title.
Despite the shows both being graphic and adult-oriented, the premises couldn't be further from one another. Still, countless The Walking Dead alumni showed up to lend their talents to Invincible, with Aaron's Ross Marquand, Glenn's Steven Yeun, Ezekiel's Khary Payton, Maggie's Lauren Cohan, Abraham's Michael Cudlitz, Morgan's Lennie James, Tyreese's Chad Coleman, and Sasha's Sonequa Martin-Green all on hand recording lines.
With that many cast members returning and the highly graphic nature of Invincible, it almost makes too much sense for an animated The Walking Dead project to come about. Creator Robert Kirman himself even admitted the possibility when asked, saying, "I wouldn't rule it out. It would definitely be fun. I see the potential in doing that kind of thing, and I am really enjoying working in animation. I'm hoping to do some more animated stuff beyond Invincible, just because it seems to be a really fun working process and quite enjoyable. So who knows what the future holds."
Kirkman's enthusiasm for the animation medium, the number of The Walking Dead cast members past and present who still work closely with the creator. The positive reception of Invincible would be enough signs to point towards an animated The Walking Dead series or film. Still, another significant aspect that could also weigh in its favor is the continued expansion of the zombie franchise.
What was once contained in a single television series, The Walking Dead, is currently accompanied by two spin-offs, Fear the Walking Dead and The Walking Dead: World Beyond. Beyond that, there are several other confirmed projects in various stages of development, including a trilogy of Rick Grimes films, a comedy akin to Zombieland, a show about Daryl and Carol, a Negan spin-off, and an anthology series of different stories.
What's to say that one of these projects in development isn't already being considered for an animated medium? And even if that isn't the case, AMC's ambition for the sprawling and burgeoning franchise shows no signs of slowing down, and animation would undoubtedly be an easier way to work with any budget restrictions or cast availability.
What do you guys think? Would you like to see an animated corner of The Walking Dead universe, or are you more excited for new episodes of Invincible? Regardless of your thoughts, be sure to share them in the usual spot!
Invincible is currently streaming on Amazon Prime, and new episodes of The Walking Dead air weekly on Sundays on AMC.