Infinity Train is an animated series created by Owen Dennis — who formerly served as both a writer and storyboard artist for
Regular Show — which aired on Cartoon Network back in August. The cartoon was quite well-received — notably for its narrative, characters, animation style, and voice acting.
Season 2 is now on the horizon as Cartoon Network has released the first official trailer for
Infinity Train: Book Two. While the exciting and action-packed trailer introduces us to a new pair of protagonists, that doesn't mean that Tulip, Atticus, and One-One are absent.
The main trio of Season 1 are simply supporting characters now, while Jesse and M.T. are the leads — the former of which is voiced by Robbie Daymond (who is best known for voicing the titular character in the
Marvel's Spider-Man animated series).
Check out the new trailer below (via
Cartoon Network):