The film is a sequel to the animated series that ran for 65 episodes between 1989 and 1990. In it, 30 years have passed and since the end of the show, Chip is working as an insurance salesman. In the meantime, Dale, who has been transformed by something called "CGI Surgery," is making a living by touring the convention circuit and desperately attempting to recapture his days of fame. But when one of the cast members from their series abruptly vanishes, they duo of Chip and Dale come together again to solve the mystery. What should be noted is that the film is set in the real world, with Chip as an animated character and Dale rendered in CGI. Pretty unique take.
The cast includes John Mulaney as Chip, described on Wikipedia as the fearless, optimistic, mature leader and co-founder of the Rescue Rangers, with a strong moral standard; Andy Samberg as Dale, Chip's happy-go-lucky best friend and co-founder of the Rescue Rangers who acts before he thinks; Seth Rogen as a motion capture viking dwarf named Bob, Corey Burton as Rescue Ranger housefly Zipper, a deaged version of Paula Abdul and her video sidekick MC Skat Kat, plus appearances by Scrooge McDuck and Roger Rabbit.
Chip and Dale were originally created by the Walt Disney Company in 1943, making their debut in the Pluto short "Private Pluto." A few years later they began appearing in Donald Duck cartoon shorts. Their names were inspired by an 18th century cabinet maker and furniture designer by the name of Thomas Chippendale.
Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers begins streaming on Disney+ May 20.