Batman: The Animated Series is considered to be one of the best animated television shows ever, acclaimed for its mature tone, complex storytelling, brilliant voice acting and overall faithfulness to the source material. While fans were hoping that Warner Bros. would develop a follow-up to the '90s series, it seems we are getting a continuation — just not in the format we thought.
Earlier this month, it was confirmed that a continuation to Batman: The Animated Series is in the works as an audio drama. While that may be disappointing news for fans who were hoping for a traditional animated series, perhaps they can take comfort in knowing that both Kevin Conroy and John Glover will be returning to voice their roles as Batman and the Riddler, respectively. Alan Burnett, who produced the original show and wrote 11 episodes, is attached to the project as well.
“It’s a great script by Alan Burnett and it brings back the original cast,” Conroy said during the “History of the Batman” panel earlier this month.
“The Riddler’s back, and he’s evolved in many ways," added Glover. "He understands he’s on the spectrum.”
No distribution platform was announced for the project and we don't know when it will debut, but we can at least head into the new year knowing one of the most beloved animated series will be returning.