Back in July, Paramount Animation introduced us to
Wonder Park, an original animated movie filled with wonder and excitement surrounding an imaginary theme park called Wonderland. A once-thriving amusement park, Wonderland was abandoned by its creator - a young girl named June - when her mother fell sick. The teaser offered us a brief glimpse of the magic that awaits in
Wonder Park as June returns to Wonderland and attempts to rediscover her sense of confidence and imagination.
Now, we have a full-length trailer that offers even more context for the upcoming animated film. We get a more proper look at the inhabitants of Wonderland, magical talking animals with big personalities, along with the growing threat that the park faces - looming darkness that brings terrifying chimpanzombies.
While the film will undoubtedly have an emotional underlying message, today's trailer highlights the more lighthearted moments in
Wonder Park.
When the park of her dreams needs saving, only June’s imagination can bring it back to life.
The imaginative Wonderland opens its gates when
Wonder Park hits theaters on March 15, 2019.