Toy Story is a popular and beloved franchise that spans decades and generations. The Pixar and Disney animated film franchise saw sequels with
Toy Story 2 and
Toy Story 3, with
Toy Story 4 acting as the franchise's final entry with its release this year.
Characters such as Buzz Lightyear, Sheriff Woody, and more have made themselves household names over the years, and while
Toy Story 3 was certainly a tear-jerker,
Toy Story 4 took things to a whole other level by being the last film to feature the characters.
Tom Hanks (Sheriff Woody) confirmed on the
Ellen Degeneres Show that this would be the last movie in the franchise, which makes since considering Pixar announced they would be releasing original films going forward rather than sequels to their existing intellectual property.
Thanks to Deadline, we have our hands on the script for
Toy Story 4, and we want to share it with you! Whether you've seen the film and want to take a trip down memory lane or if you just want a little preview of what its like, you can read the script for yourself
here. Let us know what you think and if you haven't seen the film yet, watch the trailer for
Toy Story 4 below!
Woody has always been confident about his place in the world and that his priority is taking care of his kid, whether that’s Andy or Bonnie. But when Bonnie adds a reluctant new toy called “Forky” to her room, a road trip adventure alongside old and new friends will show Woody how big the world can be for a toy.
Toy Story 4 is now available on Blu-Ray.