In response to the heroic story of Mamoudou Gassama, a migrant from Mali, scaling a building to save a 4-year-old boy,
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse director Peter Ramsey confirmed we'll be getting a new trailer for the animated film soon.
The video of Gasamma climbing four balconies to save the hanging child had gone viral, with Gasamma being labeled a real-life
Spider-Man. Likely due to his skin color, Gasamma was
referred to by filmmaker Matthew Cherry as the Miles Morales version (as opposed to the white Peter Parker).
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse director Peter Ramsey noticed the tweet and responded, which in turn sparked a conversation with a Twitter follower who expressed his excitement for the animated film. Long story short, Ramsey responded with equal excitement, while announced a new trailer is coming in June!
To date, Sony has only released one teaser trailer for
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. While it was certainly visually impressive, it didn't really reveal much in terms of plot or characters.
Hopefully, that will change with this new trailer.
Comic Book Movie reveals that the new trailer will likely give us a look at the finalized version of the footage that includes looks at The Kingpin, Ultimate Green Goblin, & Ultimate Prowler. Apparently, we'll also get to see the relationship between Miles Morales and Peter Parker, which was briefly teased in the first trailer.
We'll hopefully find out sooner rather than later. June is right around the corner, but it's unclear when in June the trailer will drop.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse swings into theaters December 14, 2018.