The Incredibles 2's main storyline follows Elastigirl as she's recruited by the wealthy duo of Winston and Evelyn Deavor. The pair aim to make "supers" legal and popular again, as they're aware that there is money to be made there. As the movie progresses you'll find out that other companies across the world are like-minded.
Since most of the world's supers were killed or went into hiding, there weren't a lot to choose from. Most of these new supers are of the B-list variety, with powers ranging from the kind of useful to the utterly inane, and because of this, the super-team have been lovingly named:
The Wannabes.
From left to right (on the banner image above); the characters are named Screech, He-Lectrix, Reflux, Brick, Compactor, and Voyd. While most info on each member is frankly none existent, we do know a little about a couple of them.
Reflux (third along from the left): the smallest super present, wearing the orange suit, is probably the strangest of the bunch. Based on his name, his abilities are pretty easy to guess. This super's alter-ego is named after the medical condition acid reflux. His powers allow him to literally spray acid from his mouth.
The character we know most about, however, is Voyd. On the very end, in the green; Voiced by former One Tree Hill and Chicago P.D. star Sophia Bush, Voyd can manipulate and alter the space around her.
Voyd enters the fray as a huge Elastigirl fan. Writer and director, Brad Bird revealed Voyd's infatuation with Helen Parr has become quite passionate over the years, leading to a sort of manic obsession.
There's a character named Voyd who's a new superhero, and she admires Helen and is kind of a Helen groupie. I described her to the animators as like, we had this dog that was this very big, powerful dog and it only had two settings. One was in your face, 'Love me! Love me! Love me! Love me! Love me! Love me!' And when you said finally, 'Get off!' it [becomes] 'I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!' Then he goes, 'Oh it's okay! Now Love me, love me, love me!' She's a little bit like that and she's always leaning in a little too much and always a little too ready to ask ten million questions and it's a fun character. I've never seen that before in superhero movies and we're always trying to juice it up.
What do you think about the new super-team so far? Which one are you most excited to see in-action and why?