With the fourth instalment in the beloved film series set to debut midway through this year, Funko have decided that it's about time they produce a line of Pop! bobbleheads based on Pixar's Toy Story movies - there will no doubt be more to follow based on Toy Story 4. Funko's site details the lineup.
The films' two main character, Buzz and Woody, were made into Pop! bobbleheads previously, however now the rest of the gang (at least a couple favourites) are in on it too. The new set features Bo Peep, Slinky Dog, Bullseye, and Wheezy.
There's also a new version of Buzz based on a portion of the first instalment in which Sid's sister got her hands on him and renamed him: Mrs. Nesbitt. The centerpiece of the new set is Woody riding atop RC. As well as those, there are also now keychain versions of Buzz, Woody, the iconic Alien, and Slinky.
The latter of those keychains is a Hot Topic and BoxLunch exclusive. On that note, there's also a flocked version of Bullseye which is exclusive to Funko's own website.
Check them out in the images below:
What do you think of the Pop! bobbleheads? Which of them are you most interested in? Are you looking forward to Toy Story 4?
Toy Story 4 is set to arrive in theatres on June 21st, 2019.