Some promotional artwork for Disney's upcoming animated movie Frozen 2 has leaked online. The same piece surfaced online previously and was confirmed as legitimate by a reliable Disney-news-aggregator, however it's now back with some substantial differences.
This version of the leaked photo gives us a helluva lot better look at Elsa and Anna's new looks, but also features the lovable snowman Olaf - who, unlike his peers, isn't sporting a new look.
In the background you can see an alien from the Toy Story films, and in the foreground an arm of a dark skin-tone. Therefore, it's likely that the photo is just a portion of a larger piece which displays all of Disney's upcoming animated films - hence the alien, as Toy Story 4 will hit theatres this year.
The afformentioned arm appears to be wearing a white suit-jacket, though it's possible that the character is one from another franchise, this could be our first look at Sterling K. Brown's character (he and Evan Rachel Wood are already confirmed as part of the sequel's cast - for more on that click here).
Check out the promotional artwork below:
What do you think of the promotional artwork? Are you looking forward to Frozen 2?
Frozen 2 is set to arrive in theatres on November 22nd, 2019.