Walt Disney Animation Studio will debut their first ever VR (Virtual Reality) short film, Cycles, at SIGGRAPH (Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques) 2018, a conference revolved around advancements for computer graphics, held next month in Vancouver.
Pol Jeremias, the VR, AR (Augmented Reality), and MR (Mixed Reality) Chair at SIGGRAPH, spoke of his excitement about the Immersive Pavillion, where Cycles will be a headline for the AR, VR, and MR department for the conference. This stage will also feature research, games, music videos, and much more innovation within the interactive experiences that virtual, augmented and mixed reality programs will hope to offer now, and in the future. Other presenters at the Immersive Pavillion will include GPU manufacturer's Nvidia and Pokémon GO developers Niantic.
There isn't much information around this Disney short other than the tagline, which "centers around the true meaning of creating a home and the life it holds inside its walls."
This isn't Disney's first forray into the VR world, as they released Coco VR, an experience based on the film of the same name, at the end of last year.
SIGGRAPH 2018 will be held at the Vancouver Convention Centre from August 12th-16th, 2018.