Zootopia+, a new anthology series based on Walt Disney Animation Studios' 2016 film, has finally received its first trailer — just two days before the series premieres on Disney+. The short-form series takes viewers back to the fast-paced mammal metropolis and dives deeper into the lives of some of its most intriguing residents. Or rather, some of the beloved characters from the movie who just didn't get quite enough screentime.
Along with the trailer, Disney has released the titles and descriptions for each of the six episodes in Zootopia+. With titles like "The Real Rodents of Little Rodentia," "So You Think You Can Prance," and "Godfather of the Bride," it's clear that no pop culture topic is off-limits in Zootopia+.
Zootopia+ is directed by Josie Trinidad and Trent Correy. Ginnifer Goodwin and Idris Elba are reprising their roles as Judy Hopps and Bogo; however, Jason Bateman and his character Nick Wilde do not appear to be in the series.
Zootopia was an action-comedy film with an overarching buddy cop story that followed the unlikely partnership between a rabbit police officer and a red fox con artist as they uncover a criminal conspiracy involving the disappearance of predators. While there was no shortage of comedic moments, the film was also surprisingly deep. It touched on many societal issues and offered deep themes involving the dangers of stereotyping and prejudice.
The trailer for Zootopia+ seems to suggest the series will focus on more lighthearted stories, but I wouldn't be surprised to see some important lessons interwoven throughout. Check out the trailer and the accompanying episode descriptions below.
1. “Hopp on Board”– When Judy boards the train from Bunny Burrow to Zootopia to begin her life as the big city’s first bunny cop, Stu and Bonnie’s youngest daughter, Molly, hitches a ride atop the train, forcing the down-to-earth duo out of their comfort zone and into an action-packed rescue mission.
2. “The Real Rodents of Little Rodentia”– Newly engaged, Fru Fru kicks off wedding planning with enthusiasm and flourish—at least until her scene-stealing cousin Tru Tru arrives to assume the role of Shrew of Honor. A battle for the spotlight ensues until a close call with a giant donut reveals that for better or worse, no one knows you better than family.
3. “Duke the Musical”– After being wrangled and arrested in a giant donut—compliments of Officer Judy Hopps—clever criminal weasel Duke reevaluates his life, pondering where he went wrong—in song. In a musical aptly staged in his own mind, Duke contemplates how to go from a small time crook to the Big Time!
4. “The Godfather of the Bride” – A touching tale about the powerful arctic shrew known as Mr. Big revisits Fru Fru’s big day when he delivers a revelatory father-of-the-bride speech. Taking guests back in time to his days as Mr. Small, a new immigrant to Zootopia, he imparts the wisdom he gained then about the importance of friends, family and community.
5. “So You Think You Can Prance”– ZPD dispatcher Clawhauser persuades his boss, Chief Bogo, to audition for So You Think You Can Prance. The stakes are high as the ultimate prize is a dream-come-true opportunity to dance on stage with megastar pop sensation Gazelle.
6. “Dinner Rush”– As super server Sam urgently tries to finish her restaurant shift to make a once-in-a-lifetime Gazelle concert, Flash and Priscilla show up at the last minute with hopes of a once-in-a-lifetime dinner.
Zootopia+ is set to premiere on November 9, exclusively on Disney+. Which of the episodes are you most looking forward to?