Star Wars: The Clone Wars began back in 2008 after a theatrically released animated movie. The animated series aired on Cartoon Network until 2014 when it was cancelled. However, the cancellation was by no means because of the series' popularity. For years, fans petitioned for the series to return and eventually they got their wish.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars was revived for one final season which would air weekly on Disney's new streaming service (Disney+). The seventh season debuted back in February and recently came to an end — on May 4th. Now that the series has properly been concluded, Disney has brought back the main cast for a fun, little reunion video.
Ashley Eckstein (the voice of Ahsoka Tano), Matt Lanter (the voice of Anakin Skywalker), James Arnold Taylor (the voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi), Catherine Taber (the voice of Padme Amidala), and Sam Witwer (the voice of Maul) all feature in the new teleconference video in which they discuss the beloved series and their favourite parts of being involved with such a thing.
It seems that Tom Kane (the voice of Yoda and Admiral Yularen) was set to feature but couldn't make it at the last minute. However, he does briefly feature at the beginning and provides the reunion video with an introduction that's reminiscent of Star Wars: The Clone Wars itself. Without further ado; check out the video below (via DisneyD23):
Star Wars: The Clone Wars is now streaming on Disney+