Star Wars: The Clone Wars is nearing its end. The animated series debuted all the way back in 2008, was cancelled in 2013, and revived in 2018 for one final season on Disney's streaming service — which we're currently in the midst of.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars — The Final Season Episode 9 "Old Friends Not Forgotten" debuted earlier today — more on that here — and kicked off the final arc of the season and the series as a whole. Episodes have debuted every week on Friday since February 21st. However, the season finale won't follow this trend.
While Episode 10 and Episode 11 will both stick to the formula (debuting on Friday, April 24th and Friday, May 1st respectively), Episode 12 will release just three days after the latter. The finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars will fittingly debut on May 4th (via
For those that don't know why it's a fitting date; May 4th is what's considered "Star Wars Day." Why does Star Wars Day take place on May 4th? Well, it's on account of a pun — "May the fourth be with you," as opposed to "May the Force be with you."
Regardless, perhaps it's worth setting a reminder that the finale won't be debuting a week after the prior episode as you wouldn't want to be late to the party for the last ever episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars — The Final Season is now streaming on Disney+