Last year, ahead of the premiere of Frozen 2, Walt Disney Animated Studios also debuted its VR short, Myth: A Frozen Tale. Using the latest VR technology, viewers were transported into the magical world of Frozen where they experienced a dreamlike sequence in a mystical and enchanted forest where elemental spirits come to life. Unfortunately, only those who were in attendance for the premiere of Frozen 2 or those who owned an Oculus Rift VR system were able to experience it.
That will change next month as Myth: A Frozen Tale will be making its way to Disney+ on February 26. Even though you won't be able to experience it in fully immersive virtual reality, as it was originally intended, you'll still be able to soak in the breathtaking production design by Brittney Lee and a brilliant original musical score by Joseph Trapanes.
Myth: A Frozen Tale acts as sort of a prologue to Frozen 2 as Evan Rachel Wood, who plays Iduna (mother of Elsa and Anna) narrates this bedtime fairy tale. It was directed by Jeff Gipson, who previously directed Cycles, Walt Disney Animation Studios' first short set in virtual reality. If you haven't check it out, Cycles is also available in a flat version on Disney+ as well.
Interestingly, a lot of the work on bringing Myth: A Frozen Tale to Disney+ has taken place during the pandemic, which resulted in a lot of the work being done from home. In a lengthy interview with Collider about the upcoming release, Gipson briefly touched on what the process of doing the 2D version of Myth was like.
It was an experience, man. I think that's how all of us felt that are working on films at home, because it's different for everybody. But it was interesting and I think it's just incredible too, that we are able to do things like that at home. I think I went to the studio three or four times for a final color timing, a final sound mix. And we also have a little intro video for it as well, similar to how Cycles and the other Short Circuits have. So there's a little intro as well, just to set folks up of, this was a VR film. But really excited to bring it to Disney+ and have a place for audiences to view it.
Check out the full interview with Gibson on Collider and get ready to enjoy Myth: A Frozen Tale on Disney+ on February 26.