Marvel's Future Avengers (formerly known as
Marvel Future Avengers) is an anime series produced by Madhouse and Walt Disney Japan. Based on the Marvel Comics universe, the series debuted back in 2017 with a season that consisted of 26 episodes. A second season followed in 2018 and featured 13 episodes.
The series focuses on three super-powered teenagers who were raised by the villainous Hydra and under the belief that the Avengers are in-fact the bad guys. However, they quickly realise Hydra's nefarious intentions and encounter the Avengers after escaping the evil organisation. The superhero team agree to take them on and train them as a new force of superheroes — the Future Avengers.
Back in January,
we reported that Marvel's Future Avengers would soon be making its way onto the Disney+ streaming service — which is home to all manner of Disney and Marvel content. That day has now come as;
Marvel's Future Avengers is now available to stream on Disney+ (via
Marvel HQ).
Currently, only the first season is available to watch on the streaming service. At that, only the English dub is available. There's no word on if or when the second season will arrive on Disney+ but you'd think that it will happen eventually given that there's already an official English dub for the second season. We'll be sure to let you know if Season 2 is eventually added.