Marvel's Future Avengers (formerly known Marvel Future Avengers) is an animated series produced by Madhouse and Walt Disney Japan. The first season aired in 2017 and consisted of 26 episodes whereas the second season, which debuted in 2018, only consisted of 13 episodes.
The series focuses on three super-powered teenagers who were raised by the villainous Hydra and under the belief that the Avengers are in-fact the bad guys. However, they quickly realise Hydra's nefarious intentions and encounter the Avengers after escaping the evil organisation. The superhero team agree to take them on and train them as a new force of superheroes — the Future Avengers.
Earlier this year, Disney announced the animated series was coming to, their new streaming service, Disney+. At the time, it wasn't known whether Season 2 would be added, however, many fans believed it would be as there was already an existing English dub for the second season of Marvel's Future Avengers.
Now, Disney has officially announced that it will be available to stream on the services on May 22nd, 2020 (via AnimeNewsNetwork). Which regions this applies to wasn't detailed so it will presumably apply to wherever Disney+ is available — rather than just the United States and Canada, for instance.
The Avengers rescue a trio of children (Makoto, Adi, and Chloe) who were granted superhuman powers from a nefarious experiment by the evil organization, Hydra. The superhero team decides to take the youngsters under their wing, training them to be a new generation of heroes while foiling the schemes of villains.
Marvel's Future Avengers is now streaming on Disney+