In 2013, Dreamworks Animation released the animated film The Croods. The premiere of the film was an instant hit, and not long after that, a sequel was greenlit, which then began the long journey that has taken about seven years.
Most people don't know that some CG animated films take a lot longer than your average film production, and can take even longer than that if creators are trying to juggle the schedules of the cast and crew. However, things have finally come together as the anticipated sequel, The Croods: A New Age, looks to be released even earlier than expected!
Initially set for a Christmas release, a new poster shows that the movie is now headed towards a Thanksgiving premiere! With COVID-19 not stopping the animation industry, could this have played a part in the earlier release? Not much is known right now, but it does look like there is one more thing to be thankful for this year!
While there is no official trailer released, expect more news from the upcoming film as its premiere date approaches. We would love to hear your thoughts on the new movie and poster in the usual spot!
The Croods have survived their fair share of dangers and disasters, from fanged prehistoric beasts to surviving the end of the world, but now they will face their biggest challenge of all: another family
The Croods need a new place to live. So, the first prehistoric family sets off into the world in search of a safer place to call home. When they discover an idyllic walled-in paradise that meets all their needs, they think their problems are solved … except for one thing. Another family already lives there: the Bettermans.
The Bettermans (emphasis on the “better”)—with their elaborate tree house, amazing inventions and irrigated acres of fresh produce—are a couple of steps above the Croods on the evolutionary ladder. When they take the Croods in as the world’s first houseguests, it isn’t long before tensions escalate between the cave family and the modern family.
The Croods: A New Age is coming to theaters this Thanksgiving!