A second season of Disney+ animated series, The Bad Batch, was officially announced last year ahead of the series 1 finale, and we now have a first look at the returning Star Wars show courtesy of an exciting teaser trailer.
This next adventure will kick-off after a short time jump, with the heroic band of “defective” Galactic Army clones, Tech, Wrecker, Hunter, Echo, and Omega, continuing their struggle to be seen as more than just obsolete canon fodder in the eyes of the Empire. The trailer confirms the return of Commander Cody, and it looks like Emperor Palpatine will finally put in an appearance.
Crosshair will also be back, but will he come to his senses and rejoin Clone Force 99, and has he now well and truly become a servant of The Empire.
Check out the trailer below, and let us know what you think in the comments section.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 premieres this fall on Disney+.